There was no parish council meeting in August which was a relatively quiet month for council business, so this is a shorter report than usual.
At the time of writing (late August) the Inspector’s Indicative Letter on the Local Plan was not expected before mid-September. This will make it clear whether he will rule the Plan ‘unsound’ and/or whether he will make major modifications to remove Tudeley and/or East Capel from it. An update if we have one will follow next month.
At the time of writing the next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party was due to be held on 13th September. Members are finalising the first draft under the guidance of our consultants and we hope to submit it to the Borough Council for their initial comments as soon as possible. We have received the first comments on the Design Codes and we will be incorporating these into our plans.
The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 31st October. This open to the public and due to start at 7:30 (after the parish planning committee – also open to the public). The meetings are in Capel Village Hall.