Parish Chairman’s Notes November 2024
At the meeting of the parish council on 30th September we welcomed Cllr Mark Wildi to the Council. He was co-opted on to the council as one of two vacancies that remained after May’s election – our thanks go to Mark for stepping up and giving his time and abilities to serve the community. Anyone who would like to take the remaining vacant position please contact – Please also note the new email for the clerk and the new web address for the council
The CCTV system was extended into the allotments at the beginning of October – this was funded by a grant from the UKSPF Community Grant scheme administered by TWBC, as well as the recent sale of the container. Hopefully, this will provide better security for the allotment holders over the darker winter months as the CCTV system has infra-red capability.
At the time of writing the installation of the outdoor gym equipment was due to start with a contractor’s visit on October 10th. This will be on the former under-fives play area next to the cricket pitch and we hope the equipment will be accessible to all ages and levels of fitness. The parish council secured a grant from the Rural Communities Fund to pay for the equipment and installation.
Discussions are ongoing, at the time of writing, about the future of the Village Hall given ongoing water leakage issues and a failure of the heating system. The Hall is obviously approaching the end of its designed life having been in service since 1976. We hope that temporary emergency work will allow the Hall to continue in use over the winter while the Parish Council and CCA can decide on a longer term solution for the Hall and the Preschool which is the main hirer, and for which there is limited alternative provision in the parish.
The Parish Council will be making a submission to the latest consultation on the Tunbridge Wells Local Plan which was due to close on 23rd October. Our particular focus is on the Highways and flooding implications of the housing proposed on the East Capel- Paddock Wood Strategic site and the effects on the B2017 and the A228. We hope to have a seat at the Hearings alongside Save Capel planned for 14thNovember with a possible additional hearing the following day.
Hugh Patterson