
Parish Chairman’s Notes November 2021

The Tunbridge Wells Local Plan (the one that proposes to build nearly 5000 houses in the parish at East Capel and Tudeley) is due to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in late October or early November. We can expect the public inquiry hearings to be in March or April next year. Capel Parish Council expect to strongly contest the proposals at the Inquiry alongside other groups from the parish employing legal expertise to help us. We have a sinking fund set aside to help us pay for this.

The Capel Neighbourhood Plan which is being led by the parish council but also relies on the help of volunteers continues to make progress. We have a Housing Needs Survey in the process of completion (this focuses on local housing need!) and we are being helped to draft design codes for any new building in the parish (this would apply whether the Tunbridge Wells Plan is successful or not). These should ensure that any new building is in keeping with what we already have in the parish. At the time of writing a walkabout with our consultants was due to take place on 11th October. If you would like to help with the Neighbourhood Plan, please email

At the meeting on 27th September the Council listened to a proposal from Rydon Homes for a development at Finches Farm. Councillors expressed no view on the merits of the proposal as it is not yet a formal planning application, and the site has not been included in the TW Local Plan.

Parish Council meetings are always open to the public and are advertised on our website and Facebook page as well as on the parish noticeboards. Meetings are usually held on the last Monday of the month at 7:30.

Ongoing issues:

We are still waiting to hear back from the contractor dealing with EV charging points in the village Hall car park.

The Parish Council are still open to ideas about how to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee 2-5 June 2022. Please contact the Parish Manager and clerk if you have any ideas you wish the council to consider.