Parish Chairman’s Notes May 2024
The members of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party held an online clarification meeting with the Examiner, Andrew Ashcroft in late March. Following our meeting it is likely the Plan will proceed to a vote of residents in the summer before its adoption.
Annual Review of the HIP (Highways Improvement Plan): at the time of writing the Clerk had arranged for the annual walkabout with the KCC Community Engagement Officer to take place on 22 April 2024. This would allow suggestions given at the Annual Parish Meeting, held on 15th April, to be included.
The work on the replacement toilet doors in the recreation ground car park is now complete. The internal refurbishment and work on the doors were partly funded by £3,500.00 received from the TWBC UKSPF Community Grant.
The new pump has been installed on the allotments. The existing pump will remain in place alongside for the time being.
The Electric Vehicle charging points in the car park are now operational. It is requested that residents leave the spaces free for those with electric vehicles.
The SID scheme is now fully operational. Capel Groundcare has been appointed to maintain the equipment, move the speed indicator device around the three locations and to download the data.
Nominations closed for the Parish Council elections on 5th April. There were seven nominations which means we will need to co-opt two more councillors at or after the Annual Meeting of Council on Monday 13th May. If you are interested in the role, please email as soon as possible. We thank retiring councillors Maggie Fenton and Suzi Rich for their years of commitment and service to the council and residents of Capel.
Forthcoming meetings: Annual Parish Council Meeting 13th May 7:30; Full Council Monday 3rd June 7:30 (preceded by the planning committee at 7:00)
Hugh Patterson