Parish Chairman’s Notes July 2022
There was a good turnout for the two Jubilee events organised by the parish. Both the Beacon Lighting on 2nd June (thanks to Charles Mackonochie and his team for organising) and the unveiling of the five oaks on the Recreation Ground, followed by the community picnic drew good attendances and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
The five oaks were purchased by CPC as part of the Queens Jubilee Canopy that aims to plant seven million trees throughout the country. We hope that they will remain as a permanent reminder of the Jubilee for future generations, in the same way that the trough and drinking fountain in Tudeley installed by our forebears serves as a reminder of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897.
The workshop for the Design Codes which will be part of the Neighbourhood Plan took place on May 30th. This was a follow-up to the previous session in April. Following advice from AECOM we will now put the draft codes on the website (see below) and Facebook and ask for views from the community. AECOM will use the feedback received to draw up the version which will go out to consultation with the Neighbourhood Plan itself, which is planned for the autumn. The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group will now proceed with editing process before submission to the Borough Council. Updates will be put on the parish council website under “Neighbourhood Plan” for residents to comment further.
The Tunbridge Wells Local Plan started the delayed Stage 2 of its public examination on 25th May. The Parish Council are continuing to work closely with Save Capel to put across residents’ opposition to the Plan’s proposals for out parish. At the time of writing the sessions on Tudeley and East Capel were due to take place on 14th and 15th June. It is hoped we can say more about the outcome in next month’s edition.
Other news:
At the meeting on 25th May CPC agreed at the request of the fete committee to pay the insurance for the event on July 1st and 2nd.
The Recreation Ground Working Party have been conducting a consultation on the building of a pump track on the recreation ground. At the time of writing 110 online responses had been returned by residents.
Hugh Patterson