At the most recent CPC meeting on 20th December councillors discussed the Parish Precept (that is the proportion of the Council Tax bill that goes towards Capel Parish Council). They agreed to a precept of £73,225 which means the increase for a Band D property in 2022-23 will be 4% which is in line with the expected rate of inflation. Any extra expenditure by the parish council beyond that will be financed from reserves.
The contract for the maintenance of the Recreation Ground and other open spaces managed by Capel Parish Council for 2022-25 was put out to tender in the autumn. The Council is pleased to announce the successful tender was submitted by Capel Groundcare who were awarded the contract by councillors at the meeting in December.
The post and chains around the Village Green are to be removed as several are now damaged and unsightly, and they are a potential hazard to pedestrians especially in the dark winter months. CPC will monitor the situation and decide what replacements, if any, are necessary.
Following discussion on social media and repeated other complaints about speeding in the village it was agreed to ask KCC Highways to attend a Parish Council meeting or the Annual Parish Meeting in the Spring, to listen and respond to residents’ views on the issue.
N.B. The Parish Chairman had to give apologies for the meeting on 20th December because of self-isolation.
At the time of writing the next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party is scheduled for 11th January. A public exhibition on the Vision and Design Statement for the parish is planned for Saturday 12th March (subject to Covid restrictions) and the Village Hall has been booked for that date. Further details will be available in next month’s magazine – but please put the date in your diary.
The next meeting of the Parish Council is Monday 28th February (or 31st January if you receive the magazine in time) at 7:45 (planning committee at 7:00). The meeting is held in public, and all residents of Capel Parish are welcome.